Does OUP give permanent access rights for e-only subscriptions? Gary Ives 03 Oct 2003 15:01 UTC

At Texas A&M University, when we first saw the new pricing structure
back in June, were interested in going electronic-only at the 10%
discount from print.  However, when I spoke with OUP Customer Services,
I was told that OUP cannot give contractual assurances for permanent
access rights for electronic-only subscriptions.  Without such a
contractual assurance, we cannot possibly move to electronic-only.  Has
OUP changed it's position on this question?  If so, we need to know ASAP
while there's still time to make changes to our renewals through our

Best regards,

Gary Ives
Assistant Director of Acquisitions &
  Coordinator of Electronic Resources
Texas A&M University Libraries
5000 TAMU
College Station, TX  77843-5000
Phone: (979) 458-0726
FAX:  (979) 458-1630

>>> amy.williams@OUPJOURNALS.ORG 10/03/03 09:39AM >>>
In response to recent messages with regards to default renewals on
pricing models from subscription agents, OUP would like to re-circulate
information about our pricing for 2004.

Important Renewals Information for Oxford Journals 2004 -

We would like to remind you of the changes to the pricing structure
Oxford University Press (OUP) journals so that we can outline now, how
will affect your customer renewals for 2004.

As you will now know, in 2004 Oxford University Press Journals will
the following subscription options for Institutional subscribers:

1/ Combined Institutional Subscription - Print with Online
A Combined Institutional Subscription includes a print subscription
site-wide online access to the title.

2/ Online-only Institutional Subscription*
Site-wide online-only access is available at a 10% discount off the
Institutional Subscription.

3/ Print-only Institutional Subscription - NEW OPTION
Print-only subscriptions are available at a 5% discount off the
Institutional Subscription. This will entitle the customer to receive
print copy of each issue of the title for the calendar year.

Ensure that you retain your online access in 2004

Oxford University Press is keen that our customers should enjoy
uninterrupted access to their online titles in 2004. However some
may find that their renewals have been set by their subscription agent
to a
print-only option.

Now that OUP have unbundled the print from electronic format, if you
wish to
continue to have online access to OUP Journals in 2004 you must ensure
you select or amend your renewal to include the print and online
subscription package option, or the online-only option (at a 10%
when you renew. You will be able to make the format selection on a
title by
title basis.

Please note this message does not apply to consortia or developing
packages. Please also note that a small selection of the Oxford
titles is excluded from the new pricing model. Refer to Oxford Pricing
Policy and Conditions at for
This also provides information on joiners, leavers and changes of
in 2004.

If you have any questions please contact your subscription agent or
us via Email: or telephone:  800 852 7323
(USA &
Canada)  919 677 0977  or +44 1865 353907 (ROW)

Kind Regards

Customer Services
Oxford University Press Journals

NB: *Online access for items 1 and 2 above includes:
- IP registered access across a single site (multi-sites licenses can
arranged via Email:
- Access to full-text in HTML (where available) and PDF - current
plus available online back issues
- Remote access allowed via secure proxy
- Print out for academic Inter-library loan to another academic site in
same country
- Archival access to paid-for content
- See the OUP Institutional Site licence at for full details.