Second Call for NASIG Conference Program Ideas Eleanor Cook 05 Oct 2003 16:39 UTC

The Second Call for ideas for the 2004 NASIG Conference programs closes
on October 15th.  Our First Call netted some wonderful suggestions, but
the program isn't quite whole yet.  In the hopes of inspiring you, we've

included here some of the suggestions attendees made on last year's
conference evaluations.  Can you present a session that might fill one
of these needs?

--Role of university presses & non-profits within academia
--Workshop on how publishers are thinking of pricing models
--Prioritizing with limited budgets/time/staff
--User point of view on services needed
--FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records)

To see more ideas, access the complete call for program ideas available
on NASIGweb at:  But don't let
the list limit you either!  We hope to hear from you if you've got ideas

to share!

Marilyn Geller and Emily McElroy