Re: print serials lists Lynn Eaton 08 Oct 2003 19:31 UTC

We just buy a copy of our Union List holdings from OCLC once or twice
per year.  Holdings are up to date to the minute (sort of ;-)) in our
opac, but the printed list is useful for all the other reasons that have
been talked about here so far.  The cost is really minimal and if you're
careful about your notes, you can cover every little idiosyncracy.

Lynn Eaton

Lynn Eaton
Cataloger/Head of Technical Services & CLGS coordinator
Springfield Technical Community College
One Armory Sq.
Springfield, MA  01105
fax: 413.733.8403

>>> DSchaubhut@OLHCC.EDU 10/07/03 04:26PM >>>
We have our periodicals holdings in our catalog and an alphabetical
list of holdings on the library website, but we still maintain a print
list. I tell our users about all three. To me, it's easier and faster to
flip through the list while I'm searching a database than to flip back
and forth to the automated catalog.  I also like having something I can
carry out to the shelves when I'm updating.  I like being able to write
on it.  Just call me an old-fashioned girl.

Diana Schaubhut
Serials/Interlibrary Loan
Blaine S. Kern Library
Our Lady of Holy Cross College
4123 Woodland Drive
New Orleans, LA 70131
phone:  (504) 398-2103
fax:  (504)  391-2421
a ministry of the Marianites of Holy Cross

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Murden [mailto:stevemurden@MINDSPRING.COM]
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 11:16 PM
Subject: print serials lists

I continue to be amazed at how many libraries maintain
print lists of their serials.  I was the serials librarian at
Va. Commonwelath Univ. for 10 years (late 80s to late
90s), and we managed to jettison it at least 14 years ago,
as soon as we got our holdings in the catalog.

I wonder if those same libraries maintain print lists of their
monograph holdings.  Or their microforms.  Or their realia.
Or [fill in the blank].  We used the opportunity to educate
the public in using the online catalog effectively.  I always
think that to do otherwise does a great disservice to the
library's users and really underestimates their ability to
learn to use the catalog.

Steve Murden