Re: printed serials list Sharon Wieczorek 09 Oct 2003 15:31 UTC

Hi Paula,

I have done the same with our printed serials list and only replace the sheets
that change. I have been doing this since 1999 when we went online with
Innovative. The printout from Innovative only has the OCLC information listed. I
keep other details with each title so I have it all listed in a word document in
alphabetical order. It is so much easier and cheaper and especially invaluable
when doing shifting which I have had to do twice since I've been here because of
some construction and when we acquired more shelving for our serials collection.

Sharon Wieczorek
Mercyhurst College
Hammermill Library
Erie, PA 16546

Paula Gresen wrote:

>    At our library we've cut down on the cost of keeping a printed serials
> list in a way that I thought I'd share with the list. Maybe this would work
> for you too. This is for the portion of our collection that we own in print.
> It's organized by title alphabetically so we've broken down our list into
> individual letters, with each letter having its own file. Also, the copies
> of the list are in 3 ring binders with the pages in 3 ring binder plastic
> sheet protectors (so we don't have to three hole punch each sheet).
>    For instance, if I was making a change for Time, only "T" needs to be
> printed out, rather than the entire list. That way you're not wasting paper,
> toner, etc. printing out pages that don't have any changes. It only takes me
> about 20 seconds to make the change, and only a couple of minutes to take
> out the old sheets and insert the new. It's a lot cheaper and quicker than
> the whole list, so it can also be done more often so everything is more
> up-to-date. I think this printed list is much clearer, quicker and much less
> confusing than the OPAC when it comes to title changes, etc. It's invaluable
> when I need to do certain projects in the stacks such as shifting. It's
> proved a valuable convenience for patrons and staff alike with very little
> money or time spend maintaining it.
> Paula Gresen
> Bindery Supervisor
> Neil Hellman Library
> The College of Saint Rose
> (518) 458-5410
> email: