Re: Periodical Holdings List Bill Osment 09 Oct 2003 15:19 UTC

Sorry to be so slow in responding but I maintain an ACCESS DB created by my
predecessor, (Buddy Pennington, who is a member of this listserv) that lists
our serials and newspapers.  It also contains titles that have been sent to
us but do not subscribe too.  It is very detailed oriented and covers all
departments as well as our branch libraries.  Vendor info, holdings, status
changes, etc etc.  At times it can be time consuming to update it.  You can
generate a report that will list all the titles and the summary holdings,
etc and print it out for desk reference.  Buddy did an excellent job in
creating it.

Bill Osment
Periodicals Librarian
Kansas City Public Library.

-----Original Message-----
From: Washkevich, Peter [mailto:Peter.Washkevich@ERAU.EDU]
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 9:51 AM
Subject: Periodical Holdings List

I am interested in finding out if other libraries are still maintaining a
print list of titles and holdings for their periodicals collection, which is
used at the reference desk and other service points in the library.  If so,
how often do you update it?

Also, is there an electronic version of your list?  In Access? etc.

Thanks in advance for letting our library know what others are doing!

Peter Washkevich
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Daytona Beach, FL