Re: Periodical Holdings List Jewel Rucker 10 Oct 2003 16:11 UTC

Our periodical holdings are databased with MS Access, a wonderful program that allows one to query information. We still maintain our Periodicals Directory in print. The second year after I finally completed databasing I exported the Directory File to Excel and was able to print out a better looking Directory.  We have the Directory on our library's homepage, but the print can be more useful when assisting students in the stacks and when they are searching the print indexes. It is also useful to us, the staff when we are doing other projects.  I also include a subject guide in the back of the directory. In the past we listed all titles by subject, but to minimize the size of the directory and cost to print and velobind, I decided to list only the current titles by subject. I update the directory every year.

We also used Access to create an Inventory of all our records.I also use Access to database all our Subscriptions and so much more.

Ms. A. Jewel Rucker
Library Associate /Periodicals Dept.
Chair, WVUIT Staff Council
Vining Library
WVU Institute of Technology
405 Fayette Pike
Montgomery WV 25136

>>> Peter.Washkevich@ERAU.EDU 10/06/03 10:50AM >>>
I am interested in finding out if other libraries are still maintaining a
print list of titles and holdings for their periodicals collection, which is
used at the reference desk and other service points in the library.  If so,
how often do you update it?

Also, is there an electronic version of your list?  In Access? etc.

Thanks in advance for letting our library know what others are doing!

Peter Washkevich
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Daytona Beach, FL