Re: Back issue dealers? Joseph Marino 10 Oct 2003 17:22 UTC

Alfred Jaeger, is a for-profit back issue dealer.

Joe Marino

At 11:19 AM 10/10/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>Does anyone have a list of back issue dealers? Especially ones that are
>non-profit? I have a list of about 20 missing items that are fairly old (the
>dates are over 5 years old) and would like to see if I could get them
>somehow for under $20 each. I know about USBE, PSC and Absolute Backorder.
>If you know of any other reputable back issue dealers, please contact me
>off-list and I will summarize for the group if wanted. Thanks!
>Deb Ham
>Serials Associate
>Reinert Alumni Memorial Library
>Creighton University
>2500 California Plaza
>Omaha, NE 68178
>402-280-1802 (phone)
>402-280-2435 (fax)

Joseph Marino
Serials and Electronic Resources Department
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil. Ave. Mall
Columbus, OH 43210
Tel. (614) 292-6314
Fax. (614) 292-2015