Re: Odd question Lynn Cote 14 Oct 2003 13:13 UTC

Another example ... Just yesterday I encountered a numbering change.  The
title is Phyton which is published in Buenos Aires (ISSN 0031-9457, OCLC
Vol. 1 (July 1951)-v.69 (2000) ; v. 2001 (2001)-  with a note in the bib.
record:  Beginning in 2001, vols. called v. 2001-.  There is an explanation
from the publisher on p.2 of the cover "...will return to the original "one
volume per year" scheme and vols. will be advantageously numbered by the
calendar year of publication; (i.e. vol. 2001 [corresponding to year 2001]
will be the first vol. of the XXI century, immediately following vol. 69
[year 2000], last vol. of the XX century."


Lynn K. Cote
Serials Cataloger/Serials Receipt Coordinator
University of Connecticut Libraries
Collections Services, U-1005
369 Fairfield Rd.
Storrs, CT  06269-1005
ph. (860)486-6495
fax (860)486-6493

-----Original Message-----
From: Urbanik, Elizabeth [mailto:EUrbanik@LIBRARY.MSSTATE.EDU]
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 3:57 PM
Subject: Odd question

I just had our current journals librarian ask me a question on behalf of a
student. She said his assignment was to find a serial or journal that had
had a numbering change. Obviously this is one of those things the profs do
to get their students acquainted with the library (I hope). I'm stumped. Can
anyone out there give me any hints? What I want to do is be able to give the
student a clue or a couple of steps that would set him on the right path --
I don't like handing out answers to assignments if it's the student's job to
find those answers.

Thanks for any help you can give,

Elizabeth Urbanik, Assistant Professor
Serials Cataloger
Mississippi State University

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