Re: EBSCONET Rosella Thomas 24 Nov 2003 22:15 UTC


My library (well, my department) regularly uses EBSCONET for title lookup,
pricing information, researching problems via our order history, missing
copy bank, and the reports that EBSCO can either provide on-line or for
requesting those reports that they have to print out and mail to us.

We don't use their system for claiming or orders because it would
duplicate the work we would have to do within our own system for keeping track
of what was done and when.

I'd be interested in knowing how many people use EBSCONET for renewals,
which on the one hand would be nice to go to paperless, but we
also use our paper copy of the renewal to make notes, flag titles to compare to
the renewal invoice when it comes, etc. Does renewing online allow you to
make your own copy of what you've renewed or provide some kind of
confirmation report? Thank you.

Best regards,

Rosella D. Thomas
Serials Specialist


Acquisitions Dept/Serials-Knight Library
1299 University of Oregon
Eugene OR 97403-1299
Phone: (541) 346-1842        FAX: (541) 346-3485

At 12:06 PM 11/24/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>Our library system has used EBSCONET for several years.  It is not a check
>in system for management control, however, we use it to place claims,
>orders, and renewals.  We also use many of its other features, including
>missing copy bank, pricing, title look up, etc.  We find it extremely easy
>and useful.  Hope this helps.
>At 01:56 PM 11/21/2003, you wrote:
>>Hello everyone,
>>I hope I'm not asking something that's been asked a hundred times before,
>>but here goes.  I recently took over as serials librarian for our library
>>(after the retirement of our department head, who oversaw serials for MANY
>>years) and am trying to make sense of everything this entails.  We receive
>>most of our print publications through EBSCO, but up to this point dealing
>>with management of our subscriptions has been done by paper or
>>telephone.  I am thinking about using EBSCONET, but wanted to know if
>>anyone here has had experience with the system and what thoughts you have
>>about it--strengths, drawbacks, etc.
>>You can email to the list or email me personally if you wish.  Thank you
>>in advance for your help.
>>celia perez
>>Celia C. Perez, Librarian
>>Harold Washington College
>>30 E. Lake St., Chicago, IL 60601
>>312-553-5635; fax 312-553-5783
>St. Charles City-Co Library
>Betty Murr, Deputy Director
>77 Boone Hills P.O. Box 529
>St. Peters, MO 63376
>Voice:  636-441-2300 ext. 1561
>Fax:  636-441-3132