newspaper display summary Essency, Janet 25 Nov 2003 13:45 UTC


Earlier this fall I posted a query about libraries like mine were doing
newspaper display. A couple of people asked that I summarize for the
list.  Here is that summary. Sorry it took so long.

I received answers from eleven libraries, all but one were academic

Two libraries use some sort of hanging arrangement like we currently use
for latest issue. Three of the libraries use a slanted shelf
arrangement, two of them with storage for older issues. Most of the
libraries (5) use book shelves of one kind or another. The issues are
stacked in reverse chronological order. One library puts the latest
issue in a wire display case which was the choice of my staff.

            As for my library what will we do? Unknown, the college just
let us know we can renovate the 1st floor next summer so where the
newspapers or anything else will end up is anyone's guess.

            Thanks to all you who replied to my inquiry.

Janet Essency

Collection manager- Serials

Bridgewater State College

Bridgewater, MA