Taming the Electronic Tiger: Register Soon to Avoid Disappointment! Cindy Hepfer 07 Nov 2003 18:26 UTC

Please excuse the duplication in postings!
Midwinter Meeting Announcement: Register Soon to Avoid Disappointment!

"Taming the Electronic Tiger: Effective Management of E-Resources"
San Diego, California - Friday, January 9, 2004

The American Library Association’s Association of Library Collections and
Technical Services (ALA ALCTS) Serials Section will once again sponsor an
all-day symposium on managing electronic resources just prior to ALA
in San Diego. The title of the symposium, to be held Friday, January 9,
is "Taming the Electronic Tiger: Effective Management of E-Resources."

"Taming the Electronic Tiger" will focus on the management of electronic
resources, examining technical as well as administrative matters.  The
symposium will be relevant to librarians in all kinds and sizes of
and to technical, public services, and collection development librarians,
specialists, and library administrators.

7:30-8:00       Registration

8:00- 8:15      Introductions - Pamela Bluh and Cindy Hepfer

8:15-9:00       Plenary Session I "The Role of Automated Library Systems in
Electronic      Resources Management" Richard W. Boss

9:00-9:45       Plenary Session II "Positive Reinforcement, or, A Primer in Tiger
Taming"  Sandy Hurd

9:45-10:15      Break

10:15-11:30     Breakout Session I
                A.  "House of Horrors: Exorcising Electronic Resources" Norm Medeiros
                B.  "Keeping Electronic Resource Management User-Centered" Tim

11:30-1:00      Lunch

1:00-2:15       Breakout Session II
                A.  "House of Horrors: Exorcising Electronic Resources" Norm Medeiros
                B.  "Keeping Electronic Resource Management User-Centered" Tim

2:15-3:00       Vendor Showcase

                Ebsco Subscription Services, Kittie Henderson, Dan Tonkery
                Harrassowitz, Dena Schoen
                Innovative Interfaces, Inc., Lynne Branche-Brown
                Serials Solutions, Peter McCracken
                Swets Information Systems, Marybeth Montgomery
                TDNet, Michael Markwith

3:00-3:30       Break

3:30-4:15       Plenary Session III "Taming the Tiger Technologically: Through the
Standards Jungle in 30 Minutes" Friedemann Weigel

4:15-5:00       Plenary Session IV "Making Sense of User Statistics: First the
News" Bob Molyneux

Advance registration: ALCTS Members - $195; ALA Members - $230; non-members
$265; Students - $99; Onsite registration: ALCTS Members - $215; ALA
Members -
$250; non-members - $285; Students - $99.

Additional details about the meeting are available on the ALCTS website at:
www.ala.org/alcts click on Continuing Education and then on Midwinter
 Information is also available from the ALA Midwinter Meeting Online
Registration Form (see www.ala.org and click on 2004  Midwinter Meeting).

Co-chairs of the symposium are Pamela Bluh (Thurgood Marshall Law Library,
University of Maryland; pbluh@umaryland.edu) and Cindy Hepfer (Health
Library, State University of New York at Buffalo; HSLcindy@buffalo.edu).

ALCTS wishes to thank EBSCO Subscription Services (Red Bank), Ex Libris
(U.S.A.) Inc.,  and Springer Verlag, New York for their support of the
Cindy Hepfer
Head, Collection Management Services
Health Sciences Library, Abbott Hall
University at Buffalo
3435 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14214-3002
716-829-3900 x124; Fax: 716-829-2211