ALCTS Newspaper Users Discussion Group J. Albano 06 Jan 2004 21:28 UTC

Newspaper Digitization - Is it really possible?

There are so many questions - How do we fund such a project?  Which
software should be use?  Which newspapers should be digitized?  How do I
train my staff and create a productive workflow?

Come and learn how two libraries have answered these questions and created
digital newspapers projects.  Sue Kellerman, Head of the Preservation
Department at Pennsylvania State University, will discuss the University
Libraries newspaper digitization project and their use of the Olive
software.  Kenning Arlitsch, head of Digital Technologies at the
University of Utah, will describe the Utah Digital Newspapers Project and
their use of the ContentDM database software.

Who:     ALCTS Newspaper Users Discussion Group

What:    Newspaper Digitization and any other newspaper-related topic
         that interests you.

When:    Saturday, January 10, 2004 from 2:00-4:30 p.m.

Where:   Holiday Inn on the Bay, Pacific BR C

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Jessica Albano
Communication Studies Librarian
Suzzallo Library Box 352900
Seattle, Washington 98195
Phone  206.685.1637