Federal Reserve Bulletin (Lucy Crews) SERIALST Moderator 12 Jan 2004 23:55 UTC

Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 12:22:42 -0500
From: Lucy Crews <lcrews@mbc.edu>
Subject: Federal Reserve Bulletin

I received the letter concerning the split of the Federal Reserve Bulletin
into two parts, and the change in publication pattern to begin this year.

Does anyone know : Will these publications continue to be full text online
at the Federal Reserve web site ?

I called the number listed in the letter, 202-452-3245, and the person
answering could not help me. They did not even know that the current
issues were full text online. I requested to speak to someone else that
might know, but basically just got put on hold.

If anyone has found out about full text, I would appreciate the help.

Lucy Crews
Serials/Cataloging Librarian
Mary Baldwin College
Staunton VA