2004 NASIG Conference Registration Rates Eleanor Cook 15 Jan 2004 23:29 UTC

North American Serials Interest Group


As has been announced previously in the NASIG NEWSLETTER and over the
NASIG-L list, a new tiered pricing structure has been implemented and
will be utilized for the first time at the NASIG Annual Conference that
will be held June 17th-20th, 2004 in Milwaukee, WI.  Registration opens
for all attendees on March 1st, 2004.


***To obtain the conference member rate, all NEW and renewal memberships
MUST be postmarked by January 30th, 2004***

The 2004 conference registration fees are as follows:

FULL CONFERENCE (excluding lodging)

NASIG Members-$375


(There will be special rates for guests wanting to attend just the
social events and who are accompanying a conference attendee.  These
rates will be announced when registration opens.)

DAILY RATE (excluding lodging)


The daily rate entitles individuals (regardless of membership) to choose
one day to attend the conference.  However, please note that anyone
wanting to attend the conference for more than one day would then pay
the full conference rate based on the membership categories posted above.

PRECONFERENCES (excluding lodging)

Half-day Preconference sessions (2 offered)

NASIG members-$60.00


Full Day Preconference Session (1 offered-includes a boxed lunch)

NASIG members-$120.00


Any questions?  Please do not hesitate to contact the NASIG Conference
Planning Committee: cpc@nasig.org <mailto:cpc@nasig.org>.

Hope to see you in Milwaukee!!

Pam Cipkowski       Denise Novak                Anne E. McKee

Co-Chair            Co-Chair/NASIG Treasurer    NASIG President

Conference Planning Comm.   Conference Planning Comm.    CPC Liaison