Re: New Criterion problems Linda Pitts 16 Jan 2004 16:19 UTC


I don't think they continued to publish the special issue after 1987.
None of our volumes after 1987 include a special issue; they all just end
with the issue for June.

                            Linda M. Pitts
                  Head, Serials Receipts, UW Libraries

Serials Receipts Section                e-mail:
University of Washington Libraries      v-mail: (206)685-3979
Box 352900                              fax:    (206)543-0854
Seattle, WA 98195-2900

On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, Ken Siegert wrote:

> Hello Everyone!
> I am seeking some assistance with the title, New Criterion
> (ISSN#0734-0222).  We have subscribed to this title since Vol.1
> (1982).  We had been preserving this title through our in-house
> binding method, rather than having it professionally bound.
> Unfortunately, during finals week, I discovered that someone had
> taken at least 16 individual issues from this title's backfile.  The
> reason that I am not certain about the number of missing issues is
> because New Criterion also published a "special issue" during the
> summer months.  Our check-in records indicate that these issues were
> published during the summers of 1984-1987.  After this point, we do
> not have any records to indicate that these "special issues"
> continued to be published.
> Were there any additional "special issues" published??  If so, were
> they labeled as "summer"?  What were the years in which they were
> published?  I attempted to get this information directly from New
> Criterion, but was unsuccessful.
> Thanks,
> Ken
> --
> Ken Siegert
> Acquisitions Assistant
> Shadek-Fackenthal Library
> Franklin & Marshall College
> P.O. Box 3003
> Lancaster, PA  17604-3003
> Phone - (717) 291-4219
> Fax -       (717) 291-4160