Survey Regarding Impact of E-Resources upon Library Organizational Structure Janet L. Flowers 24 Jan 2004 17:05 UTC

Survey Regarding Impact of E-Resources upon Library Organizational

This survey is to gather data regarding how the introduction of
e-resource acquisition has affected the organizational structure within
your library.  The data will be tabulated and summarized for a
presentation at the NC Serials Conference in April 2004.  Please forward
to the appropriate party (ies) within your organization.  Please send
your response to by FEBRUARY 14TH. Thank you very
much for your help with this project.

1. What size is the library about which you are responding?
_____<500,000 print volumes
_____500,000-1,000,000 print volumes
_____1,000,000-3,000,000 print volumes
_____>3,000,000 print volumes

 2. What term best describes the nature of the institution?

  ____Community college


  ____Liberal arts college

  ____Research University

  ____Special Library


3. What is the approximate number of electronic resources (e-journals
and databases) currently held by your institution?

4. Please describe how your institution has organized functions to deal
with electronic resources
Acquisition of the material
Price negotiations
Access issues (technical)
Access issues (bibliographic)
Presentation to the public

5. If you have a current organization chart (and the one previous to
it), please send them for comparative purposes.

6. Do you have a special unit devoted to handling e-resources?  If so,
please describe its organization and functions.

7. What factors affected how the organizational changes were made at
your institution?  Check all that apply.  Elaborate if you wish.

____New hires
____Reassignment of duties
____Traditional assignments
____Formal organizational evaluation
____Changes resulting from new integrated library system
  ____Other (Please describe)

8. Please describe how your institution made the changes.  Were they
evolutionary or revolutionary?  Why?

9. What are your views on the effectiveness of the organization you
currently have in place on a scale from 1-10 with 10 being highly

10.  From your perspective, what are the pros and cons of the division
of responsibilities?

11. Do you now think that you have adequate staffing resources to handle
e-resources quickly and efficiently?  If not, what positions would you

12. How heavily has your institution been affected by the need to cancel
print subscriptions to sustain the electronic ones or to stay within
your budgets?
Please give an approximate percentage of subscriptions/standing orders
that have been cancelled over the past five years and an indication of
what role the electronic resources played in that.

13. What trends in organization would you predict for your library
within the next three years as a result of e-resource infiltration and

Thank you very much for your help with this survey!  If you want to copy
the survey questions into a Word or RTF document to send them to me, I
would be very grateful.

Janet  L. Flowers
Head / Acquisitions Department
CB 3902
Davis Library
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-8890 U.S.A.

Phone:  919-962-1120
FAX:   919-962-4450