OAI Service Providers: SciTech and SocSci/Humanities (ReDox) Gerry Mckiernan 26 Jan 2004 18:58 UTC

     OAI Service Providers: SciTech and SocSci/Humanities

In my haste two weeks ago to (self-)promote [:-) my two recent articles
OAI Service Providers: SciTech and SocSci/Humanities,  I failed to list
the services eProfiled
in each. In addition, I inadvertently mounted a read-only PDF version
for each, which
were replaced with read/printing versions earlier today.

Please find below the names and URLs of the OAI Service Providers
beneath the
citation for each article:

Gerry McKiernan. "Open Archives Initiative Service Providers. Part
I: Science and Technology," _Library Hi Tech News_ 20 no. 9:  (November
2003): 30-38.


**Arc: A Cross A rchive Search Service**
[http://arc.cs.odu.edu/ ]

[http://citebase.eprints.org/ ]


**Open Archives Initiative Information in Engineering, Computer
Science, and Physics
(Grainger Engineering Library, University of Illinois at

**SAIL-eprints (Search, Alert, Impact and Link)**
[ http://eprints.bo.cnr.it/ ]


Gerry McKiernan. "Open Archives Initiative Service Providers. Part
II:  Social Sciences and Humanities,"  _Library Hi Tech News_  20 no.
(December 2003): 24-31.


[ http://americansouth.org ]

**Open Language Archives Community (OLAC)

**Sheet Music Consortium**
[ http://digital.library.ucla.edu/sheetmusic/]

**UIUC Digital  Gateway to Cultural Heritage Materials**
[http://nergal.grainger.uiuc.edu/cgi/b/bib/bib-idx ]

  Enjoy (again)!


Gerry McKiernan
Latte-drinking, Sushi-eating, Volvo-driving,
New York Times-reading, Left-Wing Librarian
Iowa State University
Ames IA 50011


"If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention."
[ http://www.sric.org/voices/2003/v4n2/ ]