Re: Journal called "Attention" J. Shore 28 Jan 2004 16:44 UTC

I suspect you're looking for Attention! from Children and Adults with
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD). You can find more info at

Here's a short blurb from that site:
ATTENTION! magazine, is CHADD's bi-monthly magazine recognized for its
excellence in providing relevant, timely, and science-based information to
families and adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

ATTENTION! is produced specifically for our readers. The foremost
professionals on AD/HD write about a variety of topics, including: public
policy, adult issues, coping and compensatory strategies, diagnosis and
treatment of AD/HD, parenting issues, time management, co-occurring
conditions and much more.

We didn't select it for NLM's collection,

J. Shore
Systems Librarian / MEDLINE Quality Assurance
National Library of Medicine
Bethesda, MD, USA

------- Original Message --------
Dear Librarians,
I am looking for the details of a journal called "Attention".(about ADHD).
Ive looked for information on all available databases. I know it exists
because its cited in ERIC.
Thanks for any insights.

Rachel Ben-Eliezer

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