Survey of Special Format Catalogers problem Bothmann, Robert L 02 May 2004 12:01 UTC

My apologies for reposting. Many people have had a problem with accessing the survey--I believe it is the way the list renders http phrases into HTML.

If you unsuccessfully tried to access the survey, please consider trying again from this URL:

If you have not yet taken the survey, please consider doing so and to be safe, use this URL above.

Thanks again for your participation.

Robert Bothmann

-----Original Message-----
From: Bothmann, Robert L
Sent: Sat 2004-05-01 9:35 AM
To: ''
Subject: Survey of Special Format Catalogers

I am conducting a survey of professional and para-professional special format catalogers and would like to request your assistance in filling out a survey form.

The survey consists of 56 questions on four Web pages relating to special formats cataloging work, professional library organizations, training and professional development, and demographic data. The survey is completely anonymous and will not make anyone identifiable in any manner.

The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and will be available through Thursday, 6 May 2004.


Robert Bothmann

Link to the survey:


Robert Bothmann

Electronic Access/Catalog Librarian

Minnesota State University, Mankato

Voice: 507-389-2010

Fax: 507-389-5155