Full Marc Records for e-journals]] Kira Haimovsky 25 May 2004 18:05 UTC

----- Forwarded by KIRA HAIMOVSKY/STAFF/FIRE on 05/25/2004 01:55 PM -----

             "Carol M. Baker"
             .ca>                                                       To
             05/25/2004 11:51                                           cc
                                       [SERIALST] Full Marc Records for

Hi Kira,

Your Serialst query was forwarded to me by a colleague.  We were a Sirsi
beta site for Serials Solutions MARC product and have been loading their
MARC records since September 2002.  The latest update was loaded on the
weekend and we now have 14,914 SS bibliographic records with 22,819
links for 57 publisher/aggregator packages.

Prior to moving to Serials Solutions we had been manually cataloguing
our ejournals using the one record approach.  We had not considered
loading the various vendor records because we did not want to have
multiple records for ejournal titles available from various packages.
By the time that I heard about Serials Solutions it had become obvious
that we could not keep up with the maintenance for the increasing no. of
ejournal packages that we were acquiring, particularly the aggregator
packages.  The Serials Solutions option was of interest for several
reasons: a single bib record with all the appropriate links; use of
Conser records; regular updates; and the amazing amount of
customization.  Our experience has been a very positive one.  They are
very responsive and committed to producing a quality product.

We have added e-packages gradually -- our first load had ca. 5,500
records.  As the packages were added we did go back and manually remove
the records we had catalogued manually.  It was necessary to do this
manually because we had used the one-record approach and, in many cases,
there were multiple 856s often added to records with print holdings.
Fortunately, we had added a 099 field with an e-package identifier for
statistical purposes and could use this to identify the records.

The monthly updates are loaded by our Library IT people.  They work with
the file of new, changed and deleted records.  The new and changed
records are loaded and then the 'old' changed and deleted records are
deleted from the system.  I can provide more info on that if you are
interested.  We have a Sirsi test system so we always load it on there
first and do some testing prior to loading on our production server.
Experience has taught us that the vendor can do some strange things like
moving servers, changing urls, etc. particularly during the summer and
Christmas breaks.

I am very pleased with the MARC product.  We saw an increase in the use
of the ejournals after we started putting the records in the catalogue.
We are still manually cataloguing ejournals that we don't receive
through ejournal packages -- single orders, internet access with print
orders and freebies.  Therefore we still don't use Serials Solutions A-Z
list because it is not complete but this is under discussion.

I have not been following the Serialst discussion so do not know if you
have received much response.  However, I did want to tell you a bit
about our experience because it has been so positive.  If I can provide
any other information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

All the best,
Carol Baker
University of Calgary
(403) 220-6165

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Fwd: [SERIALST] Full Marc Records for e-journals]
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 11:08:15 -0600
From: Christine Hayward <christine.hayward@ucalgary.ca>
To: Carol Baker <cmbaker@ucalgary.ca>
----- Message from Kira Haimovsky <HAIMOVSKY@FORDHAM.EDU> on Fri, 21 May
2004 12:22:44 -0400 -----


     Subject: [SERIALST] Full Marc Records for e-journals

We are considering to subscribe to the Full MARC Records service from
SerialsSolutions(or maybe from EbscoHost, their Marc Records are much less
I am looking for comments from librarians that already implemented this
product (especially if they have Sirsi library system).
How did you prepare for it? Did you clean-up your OPAC before
or after the initial download (if you previously cataloged e-journals using
print records with 856)?
Was it a messy process all together? How are monthly updates handled, is it
a lot of work?
Is there something you wish you have done differently had you known more
about the process in advance? Any do and don't tips?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Kira Haimovsky
Head, Serials & Electronic Resources Dept.
Fordham University Library
441 E. Fordham Rd.
Bronx, NY 10458
tel: 718-817-3534
fax: 718-817-3530