Re: FW: CD-ROM Special Issues -- Sandhya D. Srivastava vtaffurelli 28 May 2004 13:30 UTC

If the CD contains supplemental material, we make sure there is a note in
the bibliographic record, assign a CD classmark and create an item record.
If the CD only duplicates the print material, we do not retain it, but we
add a note to the checkin record.  We do not have space to house
duplicative materials.

Hope this helps.

Virginia Taffurelli
Head of Technical Processing
Science, Industry and Business Library
The New York Public Library
188 Madison Avenue
New York NY  10016-4314
Phone: (212) 592-7234
FAX: (212) 592-7233

                      Stephen Clark
                      <sdclar@WM.EDU>          To:       SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU
                      Sent by:                 cc:
                      "SERIALST:               Subject:  [SERIALST] FW: CD-ROM Special Issues -- Sandhya D. Srivastava
                      Serials in
                      Discussion Forum"

                      05/28/2004 09:30
                      Please respond to
                      Serials in
                      Discussion Forum"

-----Original Message-----
From: Sandhya D. Srivastava [mailto:LIBRSDS@MAIL1.HOFSTRA.EDU]
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 8:11 AM Subject: CD-ROM Special Issues

Hi All Serialsters out there,

I don't know if this is an issue that was dealt with on this list before, I
have a question about CD-Roms that come with issues of journals.  Sometimes
especially with Science or social science related materials you get a
that comes with the issue.  It is not that it belongs with that issue but
has a topic issue that is discussed in the issue.  Also there is the case
newspapers issuing cd-roms as well.  There are series that are on cd-rom as
well that come out annually after the paper issues have been published.

How do people create access to these?  Do you have access points in the
catalog within the serial record or do you attach item records for the
cd-roms to the serial record?  Or if you do it another way I would like to
have an idea of how to provide access to these.  I think they are of value
and the students and faculty should know that they are here in the library
for their use.

Thanks for any help.

You can answer me directly or through this list.


Sandhya D. Srivastava
Assistant Professor
Serials Librarian
Hofstra University
Axinn Library
123 Hofstra University
Hempstead, New York 11550
Telephone: (516) 463 - 5959
Fax: (516) 463 - 6438