Der Christian Science Herold - cataloging questions MARY SEARLES 04 Jun 2004 13:33 UTC

Hi All:
I don't have much experience with serials so I hope you'll bear with
me. I am cataloging an incomplete run of the German edition of the Herald
of Christian Science.  These are bound volumes, 1-9, with no original
covers included. Each volume is continuously paged. Because of this, I
was wondering if this is a reproduction of the original publication
produced especially for the purpose of being bound? Is that done? If so,
does it affect how I catalog this - is it considered a reproduction?

I found a record on OCLC, #03244134 for the work. It's a latest entry
record, do I use it as is or should I create a successive entry record?

There is a 247 field in the OCLC record with the title "Christian
Science herald" which the record indicates was used from 1903 into 1905. The
title I have is Der Christian Science herold. I know the "Der" is
dropped because it's an article, but does the spelling of herold matter?

The bib record says "Parallel text in English" and the 041 field is
coded engger. What I have is entirely in German, except for some
advertising matter. Could these fields apply to later issues that I don't have?
Do I just delete the information from the record in my database because
it doesn't apply?

The text of the volumes I have is in the old German script. Is this
important to mention in the record?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Mary Searles
Catalog Librarian
Mary Baker Eddy Library
200 Mass. Ave.
Boston, MA 02115