Re: Der Christian Science Herold - cataloging questions Enrique Gildemeister 04 Jun 2004 14:17 UTC


This is how I myself would handle it, coming from the same place as you,
dealing with rare, special-collections serials.

First, I would look in your collection to see if there is a bibliography that
might cover the title.

Assuming there isn't, I would enter a level K record, since there are so many
questions that can't be answered, especially the reproduction question, and
make it a successive entry record and treat it as a non-reproduction.

I would create the original record based on issue #1, basing the description
on a substitute source, since your covers are gone. I would also see if the
title of the English edition remains stable throughout v.1-9, and record the
info in a note and make a linking entry.  Forget about the language info. in the
other record. Also, you don't need to mention the old German script "Fraktur".
 Also, I would not treat this as a translation.  No 041 or "parallel text' is
necessary.  Not having better info., I would just catalog what I have in
front of me.  My experience has been, with these old serials, that titles of other
editions are usually cited in latest-entry form, and are often unreliable.

When I was cataloging this type of material, I would not code a serial like
this as "dead" unless I had concrete proof.

As for the spelling of "Herold", you're perfectly justified in making a 246
for "Christian Science Herald", especially since there is so much bibliographic

I may be overlooking something, but that's how I would proceed.  If you do
locate a bibliography, you might be able to add more data if you want.  Other
places I often look in are in NUC/Mansell, in Union List of Serials, and in New
York Public Library's printed catalog.

Good luck in your struggle!  (Disclaimer: this is only how I would do it, not
actually having the issues in front of me, or access to OCLC).

Enrique Gildemeister