ALCRL STS panel at ALA Alicia Wyatt 09 Jun 2004 01:52 UTC

Posted on behalf of Bao-Chu Chang
Message posted on multiple lists-- please pardon the duplication.

Title: Subject Analysis of Theses, Dissertations and ETDs in Science
and Technology Libraries: an in-depth look
Time:  Sunday, June 27, 2004, 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Place: HOL-Maitland Room

The ACRL STS  Subject and Bibliographic Access to Science Materials
Committee and the General Discussion Group will present a panel titled
"Subject Analysis of Theses, Dissertations and ETDs in Science and
Technology Libraries: an in-depth look" at ALA Annual 2004 in Orlando
on Sunday, June 27, 2004, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the
Is full level subject analysis of theses and dissertations using Library
of Congress Subject Headings extremely difficult and time-consuming? How
do libraries justify this expensive attempt with shrinking budgets? Does
providing subject access increase the discovery, hence usage and
circulation, of theses and dissertations? Do libraries short change
users if they discontinue applying controlled vocabulary, and rely
on keyword searching capabilities? Is it true that theses and
dissertations written in science and technology disciplines tend to have
more descriptive titles, mitigating the usefulness of subject headings?
Has the rising prevalence of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs)
changed the playing field?

Please join us for a lively session as a panel of researchers and
practicing librarians share with us their experience and insight on
and many other related issues--
*Setting the stage--Robert Wolverton (Mississippi State) will present
selected results from a 2002 survey on the cataloging and
treatment of print and electronic theses and dissertations.
*Points and counterpoints from technical services perspective--Leslie
O'Brien (Virginia Tech) and Cathy Gerhart (U. of Washington)
*Points and counterpoints from public services perspective--Cindy Levine
(North Carolina State) and Susan B, Case (U. of Kansas)
*Future trends--Diane Vizine-Goetz (OCLC)
*Discussion/Open Dialogue among all present

Bao-Chu Chang, Co-Chair (2002-2004)
ACRL STS Subject and Bibliographic Access to Science Materials Committee

(Ms.) Bao-Chu Chang
Principal Cataloger, and
Head, Serials and Electronic Resources Section
Cataloging Department
North Carolina State University Libraries
Campus Box 7111
Raleigh, NC  27695-7111
phone: 919-515-3732     fax: 919-515-8264