Re: Guidelines for notes in Serials order records Mays, Allison 14 Jun 2004 18:09 UTC

I don't use order records for serials in our system (Sirsi); I'm
tracking them in a separate Access database. This way I have total
control and flexibility in whatever notes I want to keep. Just decide
what you want and be consistent. I wouldn't get too worked up about the
order of notes; don't make it too cumbersome for your staff. If you need
to use abbreviations to save space, you might come up with some set ones
like "ret" for retention/retained, and make a cheat sheet. But don't
make them so obscure as to confuse others later on.

I generally retain notes for about 3 years, or as much as space allows.

Allison P. Mays
Acquisitions/Serials Librarian
Millsaps College
1701 N. State Street
Jackson, MS 39210

-----Original Message-----
From: Patty Gallilee [mailto:plg@SFU.CA]
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 12:47 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Guidelines for notes in Serials order records

I was hoping some colleagues in Serial-land could share their guidelines
for notes in Serials order records.

Looking for ideas on:
- order of notes
- order of parts of a note (date, info, initials, etc.)
- standard notes
- retention of notes
- explanation of how to make notes simple but understandable
- etc.


Patty Gallilee
Serials Supervisor
W.A.C. Bennett Library
Simon Fraser University                         Email:
8888 University Drive                           Voice: 604/291-3916
Burnaby, BC  CANADA
V5A 1S6