ALA Program Announcement Dickerson, Eugene (NIH/NLM) 21 Jun 2004 15:45 UTC

The ALCTS Serials Section Committee to Study Serials Cataloging will be
presenting an informative program during the ALA Annual Conference in
Orlando, FL entitled "Now That We Have Revised Chapter 12, Where Do We Go
>From Here?"  It will address the future direction of serials cataloging in
the wake of the substantial cataloging rule revisions currently underway and
the design of the new AACR3 code. Our three speakers and the titles of their
presentations will be:
"Good Enough Cataloging:  Not Bad, Not Ugly"   Regina Romano Reynolds, Head,
National Serials Data Program, Library of Congress
"The FRBR Model as Applied to Serials" Ed Jones, Bibliographic and Metadata
Services Coordinator, National University
"Plans for AACR3 and the Impact on Serials Cataloging" Dr. Barbara Tillett,
Head, Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library of Congress
The program will take place Monday, June 28, 2004 from 1:30 P.M. until 4:30
PM at the Embassy Suites International Drive, Regency Ballroom. Please note
the start time is one half-hour earlier than our usual 2 PM committee
meeting, and the program will end at 4:30 PM, not 5:30 as stated in the
official ALA program.    This three-hour program replaces the usual Monday
afternoon committee meeting.   We hope to see you there!

This program is being recorded and will be available for purchase on audio
CD as part of the Collection Management & Technical Services track of
programs (T04).   For more information on purchasing audio CDs, please see
the following Web site: <>

The Committee to Study Serials Cataloging will also have a business meeting
on Saturday, June 26, 2004 from 9:30-11:00 AM at the Courtyard by Marriott
International Drive, Room A.   This primary purpose of this meeting is to
conduct committee business, but visitors are welcome to attend.