International Collaboration in Ejournals Management - ALCTS-SS Research Libraries DG in Boston '05 Laura Kane McElfresh 10 Jan 2005 15:04 UTC


With Dr. Donald Panzera, LC and Dr. Evelinde Hutzler, EZB

Presented by the ALCTS-SS Research Libraries Discussion Group
Laura Kane McElfresh, Chair <>
Saturday, 15 January, 2005, 9:30-11:00 am
Boston Park Plaza, Cambridge Room

The Electronic Journal Library (EZB) is an international cooperative
library service which seeks to promote the effective use of scholarly
electronic journals.  Based on a database developed by the University
Library Regensburg, Germany, the EZB has been in operation since 1997
and includes hundreds of research libraries and institutes in Europe.
In 2003, the Library of Congress became the first North American member
of this consortium.

At ALA Midwinter in Boston, Dr. Donald Panzera of the Library of
Congress and Dr. Evelinde Hutzler of EZB will discuss the cooperative
efforts of LC and the European EZB institutions to facilitate access,
description, standardization, and preservation of electronic journals.

Please join us at the Boston Park Plaza, Cambridge Room, from 9:30-11:00
on Saturday, 15 January.

Laura Kane McElfresh
Chair, ALCTS-SS Research Libraries DG
Serials Cataloger
Mathematics & Computer Science Librarian

Emory University                   Phone: 404-727-1613
Woodruff Library                   Fax:   404-727-0053
Atlanta, GA 30322                  Email: