Highlights of Current and Emerging Standards -- Standards IG at Midwinter Nathan D.M. Robertson 11 Jan 2005 20:30 UTC

For those of you attending Midwinter, the ISSN, ONIX for Serials, and
Serial Release Notification content of this LITA Interest Group session
may be of special interest:


Highlights of Current and Emerging Standards

LITA's Standards Interest Group Meeting
Saturday Jan 15th
4:30 - 5:30 PM
Sheraton Boston, Back Bay Ballroom B

Join us on Saturday at 4:30 for an exciting managed discussion on
current and emerging library technology standards:

ISSN Revision
Regina Reynolds, Head of the National Serials Data Program at the
Library of Congress, will discuss the current proposals under discussion
in the international ISSN community for the revision of the ISSN.  Can
the ISSN be modified to serve as both a serial work identifier as well
as a version identifier?  How might any changes affect libraries?
Regina will solicit our feedback to carry back to the ISO Working Group.

ONIX for Serials and the JWP
Tim Devenport, an independent project manager and consultant for the
publishing industry, will present an overview of the progress on ONIX
for Serials and the work of the NISO/EDItEUR Joint Working Party for the
Exchange of Serials Subscription Information (the “JWP”).  The ONIX for
Serials messages will offer improvements in communicating among
libraries, agents, and publishers about serial subscriptions.

Serial Release Notification
Ted Koppel, Linda Miller, and Helen Gbala, members of the Serial Release
Notification subgroup of the JWP, will present an overview of the
group's work.  The SRN group has been working to codify an XML format
that will fully and unambiguously identify the enumeration and
chronology of a serial item for use in computer systems.  But sometimes
serials resist being described in a clear and unambiguous way!

Other Standards News

Jenny Walker, co-chair of the NISO Metasearch Initiative, will provide a
brief update on the progress of this initiative.

Mark Needleman, member of the NISO Networked Reference Services
Standards Committee, will report on this standard development process.

Pat Harris, Executive Director of NISO, will briefly highlight other
important NISO activities and news.

The Standards Interest Group meeting will be full of interesting
standards news and opportunities to provide input into important
standards initiatives.  4:30 PM on Saturday, Sheraton Back Bay B.  Don't
miss it!