Serials Preservations Course Sponsored by NASIG Bogdanski, Elizabeth 20 Jan 2005 19:50 UTC

Serials Preservation-At a Crossroads
A continuing education course sponsored by the
North American Serials Interest Group.

Have you ever wondered whether to throw out your journals in paper and
microfilm because they are becoming digitized at a rapid rate?  Are
traditional forms of preservation still relevant?  Are digital archives
truly archival?  What does the future hold for serials preservation?

If you have questions about serials preservation consider attending this
continuing education course sponsored by the North American Serials
Interest Group.

The course will begin on Thursday, March 10 at 1:00pm with a tour of the
ProQuest vault in Ann Arbor, MI.  This includes a tour of the facilities
used to create and store microfilm, as well as ProQuest's digital
products such as Early English Books Online and ProQuest Digital
Dissertations and Thesis.  The tour is optional although highly

Friday, March 11 the course will continue at the Michigan League in Ann
Arbor, MI.  Registration and breakfast will be from 8:30-9:00.

The morning will be devoted to traditional preservation with a panel
from both the vendor and library world followed by discussion and a
demonstration of the ST200, a new microform reader.  There will be
presentations and discussion on microforms, print repositories, and the
technical side of preservation.

After lunch, the afternoon will focus on electronic serials
preservation.  Both vendors and librarians will present their role in
electronic preservation and their view for the future.  Presenters
include a representative from Elsevier, product manager of ProQuest's
institutional repository service Digital Commons, as well as movers and
shakers from the library world.

After a question and answer period, the day will be concluded with small
group discussion, facilitated by the presenters, about the issues
presented throughout the day.

Schedule at a glance:

Thursday, March 10, 2005
1:00  Vault Tour, Proquest Company, Ann Arbor, MI

Friday, March 11, 2005
8:30-9:00  Registration and Breakfast

9:00-11:00  Panel discussion on traditional preservation

11:00-11:30  ST200 Demonstration

11:30-1:00  Lunch, on your own

1:00-3:00  Panel discussion on electronic preservation

3:00-4:00  Small group discussions

*An afternoon snack will be provided

Cost:  $65.00

If you have any questions please contact Beth Bogdanski at or (734) 761-4700x3819

Please fill out and return this registration form by February 25, 2005

Name &




Phone no.:_______ _______________________________________________

I will be attending the vault tour:  yes    no

Please make checks payable to: Beth Bogdanski

Return this to:
ProQuest, Attn:  Beth Bogdanski, 300 North Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI

Once your registration has been received a confirmation e-mail will be
sent out with hotel, restaurant, parking, and other information.

Beth Bogdanski, MLIS
Library Holdings Consultant
ProQuest Information & Learning - UMI Division
300 N. Zeeb Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI  48013