Re: Who signs your license agreements? an informal survey Bolton, Karen S. 31 Mar 2005 16:35 UTC

We are small engineering university library (about 2,000 fte students).
Our database and aggregator agreements are negotiated and signed by our
director.  I review the ejournal licenses and our director signs them.
The university has an attorney on retainer on whom we could call if we
had to; so far we have not had to.

Karen Bolton
Serials Librarian

Milwaukee School of Engineering
Walter Schroeder Library
1025 N. Broadway
Milwaukee, WI

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Jack Fitzpatrick
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 9:41 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Who signs your license agreements? an informal

[please excuse duplication - sent to Serialst and to ERIL]

Hello all,

We are a medium-sized research library, and would like to hear from
other libraries of our size regarding the signing of database,
aggregator and e-journal package license agreements. Are your license
agreements negotiated and signed by library personnel or is this handled
by your university attorneys or university-retained law offices?

Please reply to me directly and I will summarize to the list(s).


Jack D. Fitzpatrick
Cataloging Dept.
Auburn University Libraries