Paper Pockets for Check-in Cards Jewel Rucker 09 Mar 2005 19:13 UTC

Does anyone still use Check-in Cards in spite of, or in addition to
electronic checking-in of periodicals? We still use the check-in cards,
but are having a time trying to purchase the paper pockets the cards fit
in. We've been reusing the same pockets for so long they are now beyond

We use a type in which the corners jut out a little and fit nicely in
the metal file drawers. We have tried other types. While the check-in
cards fit in the others, they do not fit in the cabinet.

I would appreciate anyone letting me know what company the paper
pockets can be purchased from.


Ms. A. Jewel Rucker
Library Associate /Periodicals Dept.
Vining Library
WVU Institute of Technology
405 Fayette Pike
Montgomery WV 25136