TSS/SCLA - Jane Walter Mason Award for Excellence in Technical Services Derek Wilmott 10 Jun 2005 16:26 UTC

Please excuse the cross-postings.

Do you know someone in your library who does outstanding work in Technical Services?  Please take the time to honor one of your colleagues by nominating them for the Jane Walter Mason Award for Excellence Technical Services.

The Technical Services Section is accepting nominations for the Jane Walter Mason Award of Excellence in Technical Services, presented at the SCLA annual conference. The honoree will receive a plaque and $100.00 check or a SCLA Membership. Please read the purpose and eligibility criteria for this award to decide whether you know a librarian or a library staff member who qualifies.

To recognize and honor a librarian or library staff member who through the course of the year has made contributions to help improve technical services in the United States, South Carolina, and/or their own technical services department.  Such contributions may include organizing, planning, and/or hosting workshops, providing leadership to the technical service or South Carolina library community, contributing to technical services resources, improving standards or practices, promoting technical services through teaching or influence, etc. The former multi-year Chair of Technical Services Section, Jane Walter Mason, felt it was important to promote improvement of skills in technical services. She was active in many organizations where her contributions help further technical services. The Technical Services Section wishes to recognize others that seek to improve technical services whether it is at a national level, statewide, local, or even individual level.

     * The recipient must be a member of the South Carolina Library Association.
    * The recipient must have completed actions and/or accomplishments that served to improve technical services for staff and/or librarians in the United States, South Carolina, and/or your library’s
        technical services department.
    * The award may be recognition for contributions made within previous five years of the award year.
    * The award is open to people who have worked in any type of library-academic, public, school, or special.
    * Nominations must be submitted in writing to the Chairperson of the Technical Services Committee.  Nomination forms are available from the SCLA website.
    * The deadline for nominations is August 23, 2005.

Follow this link:  http://www.scla.org/uploads/TechnicalServicesSection/jane_mason_award_nomination_form.pdf (pdf only) for a copy of the Jane Walter Mason Award for Excellence in Technical Services Nomination Form

Please submit your nominations to:

Derek WilmottSerials Cataloger, Processing Services
Thomas Cooper Library - University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC  29208

Or email your nomination to:  wilmott@gwm.sc.edu

For further information email or call me at: (803) 777-2397

Thank you,

Derek Wilmott, Chair
Technical Services Section / SCLA