Re: Hoover's Handbook of American Business Rex Dotson 01 Feb 2006 14:14 UTC

Our catalog records indicate that both the 2005 and 2006 editions were
issued as single volumes.
Rex Dotson
Librarian Specialist, Bibliographic Division
Detroit Public Library
5201 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48202

Tricia Jauquet <tjauquet@PNC.EDU>
Sent by: "SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum"
01/31/2006 02:29 PM
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"SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum" <SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU>


[SERIALST] Hoover's Handbook of American Business

Hi all--

Just a quick question about the 2006 ed. of Hoover's Handbook of American
Business.  Is it now a one volume publication instead of a 2 volume set? I
only received one volume with my shipment--has anyone else received just
one or the full set?  Thanks for your help.


Tricia Jauquet
Technical Services Librarian
Purdue North Central Library
1401 South US 421/LSF Building
Westville, IN 46391
(219) 785-5234
(219) 785-5501 (fax)