Re: Journal of Communication titles Donna Bennett 16 Feb 2006 14:55 UTC

This problem affected my library too.  We had a subscription to
Politics & Policy.  When Blackwell's became the publisher in 2006,
this title was bundled with "Policy Studies Journal" and "Review of
Policy Research."  Our 2005 cost for P&P was $45, the 2006 price for
the package is $765.   We did not continue our subscription.


At 09:13 AM 02/16/2006, you wrote:
>Blackwell did this last year too, with Journal of Marriage and
>Family. They bundled it with Family Relations and doubled the price.
>These are also association titles -
>National Council on Family Relations. We have both J. of Marriage
>and Family and J of Communication and need them. Lucky us! I think I
>will look for other Blackwell titles to cancel. :)
> >>> ttuscano@URSINUS.EDU 02/16/06 8:33 AM >>>
>Our library also ran into this problem.  We wanted to cancel our
>subscription to Human Communication Research but were unable to because of
>it being bundled with Journal of Communication (which is heavily used in our
>library).  We not only got smacked with a big price increase, but are also
>stuck with three titles we didn't want.
>Theresa M. Tuscano
>Periodicals/Government Documents Manager
>Myrin Library
>Ursinus College
>601 E. Main St.
>Collegeville, PA 19426
>Phone: (610) 409-3000, ext. 2292
>mail to:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Lynne Weaver [mailto:lweaver@RMWC.EDU]
>Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 5:10 PM
>Subject: [SERIALST] Journal of Communication titles
>For Jeanette, and others who may also need the information:
>Journal of Comunication comes with a membership in the International
>Communication Association which includes print and online access to that
>title, Communication Theory, Human Communication Research, and Journal
>of Compter-Mediated Comunication.
>My college Communications Department head was not impressed.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Skwor, Jeanette []
>Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 3:56 PM
>To: Lynne Weaver
>Subject: RE: [SERIALST] Journal of Communication
>We were aware if the cost increase, and I do have a note saying it is to
>be bundled, but have had no further information as to with what.
>What are the other titles you are receiving with it?
>TIA -
>Jeanette L. Skwor
>Cofrin Library
>University of WI-Green Bay
>(920) 465-2670
>"Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will
>get you through times of no libraries."
>                               Anne Herbert, The Whole Earth Catalog
>-----Original Message-----
>From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
>[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Lynne Weaver
>Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 2:23 PM
>Subject: [SERIALST] Journal of Communication
>Hi, Folks -
>Journal of Communication is one of the journals that has moved from
>Oxford UP, in this case to Blackwell.  Last year (v.55 2005) our cost
>for this title was $241; this year (v.56 2006) it is $850!  Although our
>jobber is usually good about notifying us of outrageous price increases,
>they missed this one.  The price increase seems to be the result of one
>or both of two things.  First, there is the change in publisher.
>Second, the title is no longer available by itself, but is now bundled
>with three other titles.  We (jobber and I) have not determined whether
>the new publisher or the International Communication Association is
>responsible for the bundling of the titles.
>I became aware of the change when I received the first issue of one of
>the three titles we didn't order and don't want.  I hope the publisher
>will let us cancel the whole subscription, which I've asked my jobber to
>do asap.
>You may want to check your 2006 renewal invoices for this title.
>Lynne N. Weaver
>Serials Coordinator
>Lipscomb Library
>Randolph-Macon Woman's College
>2500 Rivermont Avenue
>Lynchburg, VA  24503
>434 947-8396
>434 947-8134 Fax