Re: The state of serials today JoAnne Deeken 22 Feb 2006 14:14 UTC

I'd sugges NASIG as the conference to attend.  It's a mixture of "hands
on" and theory and does focus on serials.


Micheline Brown wrote:
> Dear Carrie,
> I would recommend "Serials" by Lauren E. Corbett in Library Resources &
> Technical Services, vol. 50, no.1 (January 2006), pages 16-20.  Although it
> is a "Review of the Literature, 2000-2003", the topics mentioned in the
> review are still very relevant (since 2003).  And, the References could be
> extremely helpful.
> I would also recommend that she try to attend the Charleston Conference next
> November.  Even though the focus is not completely serials, she will find
> out current practices and cutting-edge developments for acquistions,
> publishing, access, etc. for books and serials (in all formats).  The web
> address for the conference is:
> Micheline
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Carrie Eastman" <ceastman@WHEELOCK.EDU>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:46 AM
> Subject: [SERIALST] The state of serials today
>>Due to restructuring I have a new supervisor and she has made a very
>>interesting request which I thought I would pose here, as many of us
>>would be interested and it may spark an interesting discussion.  In the
>>past she has not done in-depth work with serials and expressed a desire
>>to be brought up to speed on the state of serials today.  She isn't
>>looking for anything too detailed, rather she would like the "executive
>>summary."  Clearly a tricky request to fill since serials is so
>>multi-faceted.  So, my question is, where would one go to obtain such
>>information?  I'm going to assume that there is not one place.  Could
>>anyone recommend journals, articles, websites, or books that may help me
>>bring her up to speed in a broad way?
>>Carrie S. Eastman
>>Serials Specialist
>>Wheelock College Library
>>132 The Riverway
>>Boston, MA 02215