Re: The state of serials today Aline Soules 22 Feb 2006 16:57 UTC

You might try directing her to Serials Review (Elsevier) or Serials
Librarian (Haworth).  In fact, I recently completed an article for
Serials Librarian on the evolution of the definition of a serial for a
section of an upcoming issue.  Jim Cole is the editor and can tell you
when that overview section will be published.


Aline Soules, Associate University Librarian
California State University, East Bay
25800 Carlos Bee Blvd.
Hayward, CA  94542-3052
tel. 510-885-4596

Carrie Eastman wrote:

>Due to restructuring I have a new supervisor and she has made a very
>interesting request which I thought I would pose here, as many of us
>would be interested and it may spark an interesting discussion.  In the
>past she has not done in-depth work with serials and expressed a desire
>to be brought up to speed on the state of serials today.  She isn't
>looking for anything too detailed, rather she would like the "executive
>summary."  Clearly a tricky request to fill since serials is so
>multi-faceted.  So, my question is, where would one go to obtain such
>information?  I'm going to assume that there is not one place.  Could
>anyone recommend journals, articles, websites, or books that may help me
>bring her up to speed in a broad way?
>Carrie S. Eastman
>Serials Specialist
>Wheelock College Library
>132 The Riverway
>Boston, MA 02215