??? To Libraries that purchase MARC records for electronic journals Mushkatina, Yelena (Library) 03 Feb 2006 20:48 UTC

Dear Colleagues:

We need help. Our library considers the purchase of MARC records for our
electronic journals from either Serials Solutions or EBSCO. The price
difference between two vendors is tremendous (about $10,000) and we are
trying to figure out the differences between these two. While we have
found enough information about SS, we have not found any on the EBSCO
MARC records service, except EBSCO Customer Service web site. If any of
you compared these two MARC record vendors and/or are subscribed to
EBSCO A-to-Z list with MARC records, will you, please, share your
experience with us?

Particularly, we would like to know the following information:
1.	Are you satisfied with quality of the MARC records?
2.	Does vendor customize as many fields in bibliographic records as
you need for free or for extra fee?
3.	How much clean-up is required locally after each monthly load?
Did you encounter any problems with duplicate records or mismatching
records, i.e. records with wrong URLs, etc.?
4.	Did you experience any problems during the initial load?
5.	Are there any problems, concerns that you think would be helpful
for us to know?
6.	What type of ILS do you use? (we are a III site)

Thank you in advance for your responses.

Yelena Mushkatina
Cataloguer/ Finance Dept. Liaison
Elihu Burritt Library
Central Connecticut State University
1615 Stanley Street
New Britain, CT 06050
(860) 832-2079