Nature's Connotea tagging of OA articles in Eprints Stevan Harnad 19 Mar 2006 21:18 UTC

            ** Apolgies for Cross-Posting **

This item is from Peter Suber's Open Access News

    More on Connotea tagging of OA articles in Eprints

    Timo Hannay, Linking Up Research Papers Using Tags, You're It!
    March 16, 2006.


    "Back in my first post to this blog,
    I said that over here at Nature
    we're interested in the question of "how far tagging can take
    us in tackling the (formidable) information organisation needs
    of modern science." Today we're starting on a cool (I think) new
    experiment that might help provide some early answers.  Many of
    you are no doubt familiar with Matt Biddulph's wonderful mock-up
    pf the BBC Radio 3 website as it might work with embedded functionality.
    (See in particular Matt's Flash movie here.)

    "Inspired by this, we've just released some code
    that adds the same type of
    functionality (but this time for real) to 'institutional repositories'
    (IRs) - websites that scientists and other academics use to share
    their work with each other.  One general problem with IRs is that,
    notwithstanding services like Google Scholar, a lot of their content
    isn't very easy to find, and it certainly isn't easy to browse between
    related items in different repositories. Our new code aims to improve
    things by allowing IR users to tag articles and see links to related
    content, all from within the IR web page itself. Behind the scenes,
    the software communicates with and/or Connotea (Nature's
    own social bookmarking service for scientists).

    "Since Connotea is
    open source, it will also work with any instance of Connotea Code.
    The good folks at the University of Southampton's Electronics
    and Computer Science Department have now put this code on their
    institutional repository,
    creating our first real-world installation (yeah!)....

    "The recommendations (which are generated based mainly on tag
    co-occurrence) already seem OK to me, but they should get better
    as more links and tags get entered into the system.  There's lots
    of different IR software out there, and our code currently only
    works with EPrints, which we chose because it's very popular, is
    written in a language (Perl) that we're familiar with, and has a
    friendly development team just down the road from us.

    "If you're the administrator of an EPrints repository then you can
    get instructions and code from here.
    I'm told that it's a doddle to install."