Your comments appreciated, or to class or not to class periodical collection (2 messages) SERIALST Moderator 21 Jun 2006 19:13 UTC

2 messages:
Date:  Wed, 21 Jun 2006 07:28:56 -0500
From: Laurie DeLuca <>
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Your comments appreciated

We do something similar....All of our periodicals are shelved
alphabetically by title, so in the 099 (local call number) field we have
the words: SHELVED BY TITLE.

Hope that helps,

Laurie Matassa
Library Associate
Brookdale Community College

Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 07:28:56 -0500
From: Bonnie Anderson <>
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Your comments appreciated

Since we are a Medical library, our periodicals are arranged by title
and to the 096 field with PER in the place of a numeric classification.
Our reasoning for not classifying the periodicals was the fact that most
of them would be W1 then alphabetical cutters.

Bonnie Anderson
Reference Librarian

Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences Library
1750 Independence Avenue
Kansas City, MO  64106-1453

Phone: 816-283-2294
Fax: 816-283-2297

>>> rglaser@TROY.EDU 6/20/2006 2:20 PM >>>

    I work at a small academic library, and I'm adding periodicals to
our library's catalog.  Because we have only unbound issues kept in
alphabetical order, I assigned the word "PERIODICAL" to the 090 field
instead of an LC class number.  However, some of the staff question
that; they think an LC class number should be used. Our director told us
to get documentation on why we should continue to use "Periodical" or
use LC class.
    It would be helpful to know what other libraries do and why.  I
would greatly appreciate hearing from you!

Robbin Glaser
Technical Services Librarian
Troy University, Dothan