Re: IET manufacturing engineer - title change? Beth Guay 30 Jun 2006 22:19 UTC

Before the "major minor" rules, we simply would have added an "at head
of title note," and a title added entry for the "variant," i.e.: At head
of title, <Apr./May 2006-> IET;  and: 246 3  IET manufacturing engineer.

The fact is, if you look at it as an "at head of title" issue, the title
hasn't changed at all. So, in the spirit of the revised rules, that is,
to prevent whenever possible unnecessary creation of new records   --
and this case is a great example -- I would hope that the cataloger who
gets the piece in hand and updates this record chooses that approach --
rules were made to be interpreted and bended (by humans for humans) :-)


Beth Guay
Monographs/Continuing Resources Cataloger
McKeldin Library, University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742

(301) 405-9339
fax (301) 314-9971

John Radencich wrote:
> I'm not so sure.  For a major change "consider as a major change in
> title proper a change in a corporate body name given anywhere in the
> title if it is a different corporate body."  They may just be
> initials, but IET is a different name from IEE.  Or at least (and to
> emphasize) the organization the initials IET stands for is a different
> name from that of the organization the initials IEE stands for.  So I
> would feel compelled to go with major change.  Furthermore, in the
> list of minor changes the third  category says "a difference involving
> the name of the same corporate body."  I'm afraid IET and IEE don't
> stand for the same corporate bodies.
> John Radencich
> Library-Cataloging Dept.
> Florida International University
> Steven C Shadle wrote:
>> Boy, this is a tough one, but I'm going to take a stab.
>> The original title proper against which later titles are benchmarked is:
>> Manufacturing engineer
>> The addition of IEE in front of the title is a minor change.  The
>> addition of IET in front of the title would be a minor change.  As
>> long as there is no reference to the corporate body elsewhere in the
>> serial's entry (eg, uniform title qualifier, corporate body main
>> entry), I would consider this a minor change.
>> And then there's the "In case of doubt, consider minor."
>> Steve Shadle/Serials Access Librarian  *****
>> University of Washington Libraries      ***     Phone: (206) 685-3983
>> Seattle, WA 98195-2900                   *        Fax: (206) 543-0854
>> On Fri, 30 Jun 2006, Peter Hosking wrote:
>>> The Manufacturing engineer now has a different title but I'm unsure if
>>> this is a major or minor change. I've noticed that sn89013432 OCLC
>>> #19864213) has a variant title "Issues for <Mar./Apr. 2003> have title:
>>> IEE manufacturing engineer."    I'm guessing that "IEE manufacturing
>>> engineer" was considered to be a minor change.  The title has now
>>> become
>>> "The IET manufacturing engineer" with the April/May 2006 issue.  Could
>>> this latest change also be considered minor?
>>> The Manufacturing engineer was published by the Institution of
>>> Production Engineers. Since 1991 it has been issued by IEE, and now
>>> that
>>> IEE has changed its name, it is being issued by IET.
>>> Can someone guide me on this?
>>> Thank you
>>> Peter Hosking
>>> Serials Cataloguing Librarian
>>> Collection Services
>>> University of Canterbury Library
>>> Christchurch
>>> New Zealand