Ingenta's Eleven: The Haworth Press and ten other publishers join IngentaConnect Amel Abourachid 07 Jun 2006 14:29 UTC

Dear colleagues,

We thought some of you may be interested in the latest Ingenta publisher
signings, announced today at the SSP Annual Conference in the US:

Ingenta's Eleven: The Haworth Press and ten other publishers join

Ingenta, the technology provider which connects the publishing and
information industries, today announced the latest 11 publishers to add
their journals to the IngentaConnect platform, which provides subscription
and pay-per-view access to nearly 10,000 scholarly e-journals.

Prestigious US publisher The Haworth Press will take advantage of
IngentaConnect's global distribution and visibility by adding their 226
journals to the platform, which will co-host them with Haworth's own site.
President Bill Cohen described the arrangement as "epitomizing the 'third
way' which is increasingly popular among scholarly publishers, who want both
the autonomy and diversity of their own publications website, but also to
capitalize on the ready-made audience offered by multi-publisher platforms.
Ingenta is the most established of these, and with its larger market share
was the obvious choice for us when we wanted to make our publications more
widely available."

Also in North America, the American Institute of Chemists, the Mathematical
Association of America, and the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons have
all chosen IngentaConnect as their online hosting partner, while the journal
Surveying and Land Information Science will be added to the site by its
co-publishers the National Society of Professional Surveyors, the American
Association for Geodetic Surveying, and the Geographic and Land Information

In the UK, the Dental Protection Society, Engineering Integrity Society,
International Seed Testing Association and University of Buckingham Press
have all recently signed to place their journals online with IngentaConnect.
Elsewhere, the South African Statistical Association and Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht are the latest publishers to join the service.

IngentaConnect ( now provides access to nearly 10,000
electronic journal, book and monograph titles and over 29,900 fax- and
Ariel-delivered publications. The site receives up to 20 million users a
month, and enables users to view full text via subscription and through a
variety of different payment models such as library payment accounts,
individual subscription sales and article pay-per-view access.


For more information, please contact:
Charlie Rapple
Ingenta plc
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 799060

About Ingenta
Ingenta is the global market leader in the management and distribution of
published scientific, professional and academic research via the Internet,
and develops and maintains specialist websites and technology services for
publishers, self-publishing societies and libraries. Ingenta has been
included in the EContent 100, "a list of the 100 companies that matter most
in the digital content industry", every year since 2002.

For publishers of scientific, professional and academic periodicals,
journals and reference works, Ingenta provides a suite of publisher services
including data conversion, secure online hosting, access control and
distribution services.  Our recently-launched Information Commerce System
provides flexible infrastructure and tools to enable publishers to
repackage, bundle or price content online at the click of a button.

For libraries and information professionals, Ingenta offers collection
management and comprehensive document delivery options.  Ingenta's
collection of research content - 20 million articles from more than 9,500
online publications and 29,900 fax and Ariel delivered publications - is
accessed by millions of researchers and librarians a month via and other websites.