FW: Yale's Verde Implementation website Kim Maxwell 13 Jun 2006 13:46 UTC

 Not sure if everyone is on the VERDE-L list, so if not here is some
information for you...

-----Original Message-----
From: Verde Discussion List [mailto:VERDE-L@listserv.nd.edu] On Behalf Of
Kimberly Parker
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 3:10 PM
To: VERDE-L@listserv.nd.edu
Subject: Yale's Verde Implementation website

At the recent ELUNA meeting, I promised to share a few pieces of information
regarding Yale's Verde implementation work.

The first (and easiest for me to send out) is the website of our
Implementation Group.


Some of our site is behind password protection (like the minutes of our
meetings, etc.)

I also promised to share our rough "setup" document with you all, to give
you a flavor of which fields we decided to use and some values and
definitions.  That document is in pieces and will be a little harder to dig
out (finding the current version!), so expect to see it posted here in
stages over the coming months.  (Some parts are only in extremely rough note
form at the present time, as we are refining it as we begin working with
different parts of Verde.)

--Kimberly Parker

Kimberly Parker
Head, Electronic Collections
Yale University Library
130 Wall Street              Voice (203) 432-0067
P.O. Box 208240              Fax (203) 432-8527
New Haven, CT  06520-8240    mailto:kimberly.parker@yale.edu