Atlantic (Monthly) SERIALST Moderator 13 Jun 2006 16:02 UTC

Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 11:01:41 -0400
From: Lynne Weaver <>
To: serialst
Subject: Atlantic (Monthly)

Hi, Folks -

 The Atlantic Monthly has changed its publication pattern.  Instead of
two five-issue volumes per year, they are now publishing the same ten
issues in one volume.  2006 is v.297, with ten numbered issues: Jan/Feb,
Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec.  Next year, 2007,
v.298, will follow the same pattern.

I asked Jacqueline Sandberg in their editorial offices about the name,
too.  As for as the magazine is concerned, they consider the name to be
"The Atlantic," and that's what's on the cover, contents page, and
masthead.  "The Atlantic Monthly," however, is on the colophon (and the
page bottoms), so my interpretation is that we can continue to use the
1993 record with that title.  If that's not the case, would the serials
catalogers in our midst please let us know?  Thanks!

For everyone's amusement:  a librarian of our acquaintance, new to
automated serials, remarked recently that she was having trouble with
"the predicaments."  Beautiful!!

Thanks, Jacqueline, for your help.

Lynne N. Weaver
Serials Coordinator
Lipscomb Library
Randolph-Macon Woman's College
2500 Rivermont Avenue
Lynchburg, VA  24503

434 947-8396
434 947-8134 Fax