Re: Survey: Please share your feelings about virtual communication tools (blogs, wikis, listservs) Hartley, Melissa 13 Jun 2006 23:17 UTC

(Please excuse any duplication or cross-posting)

Please share your experiences with communication in the virtual world!

We are collecting information for a study on librarians' experiences
with established and emerging communications technologies like blogs,
wikis and electronic discussion lists.  The survey should take no more
than 15 minutes and should help us identify the benefits of and the
barriers to using technologies like discussion lists, blogs and wikis to
find and share information.

We will collect responses for 4 weeks, from June 2 through June 30.

The survey website can be found at:

Thank you so much for your help and participation.


Anne-Marie Deitering (
Rachel Bridgewater (

Posted on request by: Melissa Hartley (