OCLC eSerials Holdings Service ALA Session Carney,Bill 15 Jun 2006 13:09 UTC

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Join OCLC, our service partners and pilot librarians for a panel
discussion on the OCLC eSerials Holdings service while at ALA Annual in
New Orleans -- Sunday, June 25 from 1:30 to 3:30 at the Hampton Inn and
Suites, Riverside II.  To register for the session, visit
<blocked::https://www3.oclc.org/app/ala_registration/> .

OCLC is pleased to be working with EBSCO, Ex Libris, Serials Solutions
and TDNet to increase the visibility of your electronic serials
collection without adding to your cataloging workload.  Available in
early July at no additional charge to member libraries, the service
automatically sets and maintains holdings for electronic serials at the
journal title level against existing WorldCat records.  During the
ordering process, you can request that your participating serials
management service send holdings information on your library's behalf
monthly, or you can send us the information from your locally developed
serials management system.  Each month, OCLC will update your holdings
in WorldCat automatically.  You control the receipt of ILL requests for
these resources by setting a policy to deflect all eSerials requests to
the next library in the lender string, deflect all but requests from
libraries in your existing OCLC groups, or accept all requests for
review.  For more information on the service, please visit
<blocked::http://www.oclc.org/eserialsholdings/> .

Our agenda includes an introduction to the service, presentations from
two of our pilot libraries on how the service has worked for them, and
an opportunity to discuss the service with our partners.  Presenters

Bill Carney, Product Manager, OCLC
Sally Gibson, Serials & Electronic Resources Librarian, Creighton
Michael Boock, Head, Technical Services, Oregon State University
Oliver Pesch, Chief Strategist, eResources, EBSCO Information Services
Nettie Lagace, SFX Product Manager, Ex Libris
Peter McCracken, Director of Electronic Content Management, Serials
Michael Markwith, President, TDNet

Bill Carney, OCLC
carneyb at OCLC.org