Two programs on collection assessment at ALA annual Jack Hall 15 Jun 2006 18:02 UTC

>Collection Assessment Programs
>ALA Annual Meeting, New Orleans
>June 24 and 25, 2006
>1) Tools for Collection Assessment
>There is an increasing emphasis on accountability in libraries. Since
>collections are the largest expense after personnel in most libraries,
>assessment of the contents and use of collections is an important aspect
>of accountability.  Collection analysis and the sharing of information
>about collections are also key components of internal library planning,
>communicating with constituents about the collections, reporting to
>accrediting and funding bodies, and developing consortial and cooperative
>approaches to collecting. This program will provide exposure to a
>selection of tools for assessing collections, rather than just one.  There
>will be brief presentations on tools followed by breakout sessions in
>which attendees interact with teams of
>vendors and librarians who use the tools.
>Collection Analysis Tools showcased:
>-          Bowker's Book Analysis System
>-          Normative Data Project
>-          OCLC WorldCat Collection Analysis
>-          Spectra CRC (Library Dynamics)
>-          Ulrich's Serials Analysis System
>Sponsored by: RUSA / CODES
>Where: Sheraton New Orleans, Rooms BR D and BR C
>When: Saturday, June 24, 2006, from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
>2) Collection Assessment ? Best Practices in the 21st Century
>Evaluating collections is an essential activity for all libraries, but it
>becomes critical for those facing budgetary and space constraints.  This
>program provides an overview of collection assessment and methods used to
>evaluate collections in all formats. The program begins with an overview
>of collection assessment and for whom we build collections.   The second
>part describes different collection assessment methods and projects so
>that participants may identify methods to apply in their own institutions.
>Sponsored by: ALCTS CMDS
>Where:  Sheraton  New Orleans, Rhythms BR I/II
>When: Sunday, June 25, 2006, from 1:30 - 5:30 p.m.

Jack Hall
114L University of Houston Libraries
Houston, TX  77204-2000
telephone:(713) 743-9687
fax: (713) 743-9748