Call for Nominations - CSA/Ulrich's Serials Librarianship Award Mary Page 21 Nov 2006 19:15 UTC

Second Call for Nominations - CSA/Ulrich's Serials Librarianship Award

Presented by the ALCTS Serials Section, the CSA/Ulrich's Serials
Librarianship Award (formerly known as the Bowker Award) consists
of a citation and $1,500, generously donated by CSA.  The
deadline for nominations has been extended to December 15, 2006.

The award is given to an individual who has made distinguished
and ongoing contributions to serials librarianship, including but
not limited to:

- Demonstrated leadership in the serials community

- Significant contributions to the work of professional
associations or to library education programs

- Scholarship that has had a significant impact on the profession

- Research that advances the theory or practice of serials

- Development of tools or methods that enhance the accessibility
or usability of serial publications

- Other advances that lead to a better understanding of the field
of serials librarianship

Nomination packets should include a letter of nomination; three
to five letters of support; the nominee's resume; examples (no
more than three) of the nominee's publications or other relevant
documents.  Self-nominations are welcome.

Packets should be sent to Mary Page, chair, CSA Jury,

The deadline for nominations is December 15, 2006.

Mary Page
Head of Acquisitions
Rutgers University Libraries
47 Davidson Road
Piscataway, NJ  08854