Re: Local Holdings for multiformat holdings Steven C Shadle 29 Nov 2006 20:40 UTC

Hmmmm, I didn't think an OCLC record would "respresent" (as in describe) multiple formats.  Typically the print version record will have notes about other physical formats (and possibly a URL), but really the record should be describing a specific version/format.  I'd be curious to get a record number.

As to how you should represent holdings in OCLC when locally you've attached multiple formats to a print version record (which is a common practice), sorry can't be any help there.  I'm not sure whether OCLC will consider it kosher to have a LHR attached that has a format (007) different from the format of the bib record.  We'll have the same question when we start adding LHRs to OCLC.  I didn't see anything at <> that specifically addressed your question, but I also didn't look at every resource there.

Steve Shadle/Serials Access Librarian  *****
University of Washington Libraries      ***     Phone: (206) 685-3983
Seattle, WA 98195-2900                   *        Fax: (206) 543-0854

On Wed, 29 Nov 2006, Peter Spyers-Duran wrote:

> I am having trouble determining the proper way to create local holdings
> in OCLC for a serial on a single bibliographic record that represents
> multiple formats (print, microfiche, and microfilm).  What have others
> done in similar situations?  Recommendations of OCLC records would be
> extremely helpful.  Thank you.
> Peter Spyers-Duran, MAAE, MALIS
> Cataloging Librarian
> University of Central Florida Libraries, 321B
> 4000 Central Florida Boulevard
> Orlando, FL 32816-2666
> Tel. (407) 823-5880    Fax (407) 823-5865
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