Duke University Press, Duke Libraries to support long-term strategies for preserving electronic content Kimberly Steinle 08 Nov 2006 18:31 UTC

Apologies for cross postings.

For immediate release: Nov. 8, 2006

CONTACT: Mandy Dailey-Berman (Duke University Press, Journals Publicity


DURHAM, N.C. -- Duke University Press and Duke University Libraries will
be participating in Portico and the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff
Safe) Alliance, two long-term strategies to preserve electronic
scholarly journal content for future scholars, school officials
announced Wednesday.

“The mandate to preserve scholarly work is an implicit and critical
component of a library’s mission and one that has been vastly
complicated by both the shift to electronic publishing and the fiscal
challenges that libraries now face,” says Kimberly Steinle, Duke
University Press’s library relations manager. “Portico and LOCKSS offer
libraries reliable solutions to these problems, securing perpetual
access to archived online content, while also eliminating the financial
burden of creating an archive.”

Kevin L. Smith, scholarly communication officer at Duke, adds, “We
recognize that academic research libraries such as those here at Duke
University need to invest in digital repositories that help scholars
maintain access to and control of their research product at various
stages. Both LOCKSS and Portico represent substantive progress on the
broad issue of electronic archiving.”

Portico was launched in 2005 with support from JSTOR, Ithaka, the
Library of Congress and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Portico’s
mission is to preserve scholarly literature published in electronic form
and to ensure that it remains accessible to future generations of
scholars, researchers, and students. In pursuit of this mission, Portico
operates a secure, permanent archive of electronic scholarly journals.
To date, more than 5,200 journals have been promised to the Portico
archive, and a broad range of scholarly publishers and libraries have
chosen to participate in Portico as an important component of their
archiving strategy.

Initiated by Stanford University Libraries, LOCKSS is open source
software that provides librarians with an easy and inexpensive way to
collect, store, preserve, and provide access to the local copy of
authorized content they purchase. Running on standard desktop hardware
and requiring almost no technical administration, LOCKSS provides
accessible copies of e-journal content as it is published.


Kimberly Steinle
Library Relations Manager
Duke University Press
905 West Main Street, Suite 18-B
Durham, NC 27701
919-687-3655 (ph) 919-688-3524 (fax)