Re: Do you still keep subscription of microfilms of New York Times and Wall Street J. ? Ian Woodward 16 Nov 2006 14:02 UTC

We find that the use of microforms has declined by about 75% at our
libraries over the last seven years but that we still record hundreds of
uses of same every year.  For a variety of reasons good and bad,  we
have not undertaken a comprehensive review of our microform expenditures
but have made piecemeal adjustments.  I should like to correct a
previous poster.  ProQuest assigned its portfolio of  "Periodicals in
Microform" to a newly-charted corporation called "National Archive
Publishing".  At least in their correspondence with us, they were not
clear as to the identity of National Archive Publishing's owners.  The
company appears to be staffed with people who have been employed at
ProQuest / Bell & Howell / UMI for some time and is located at the same
address as ProQuest.  ProQuest retained ownership of the "Newspapers in
Microform" titles.  They were not sold or assigned to "National Archive
Publishing".  IW

I.  Woodward
Serials Office
Colgate University Libraries
201L McGregory Hall
13 Oak Drive
Hamilton, N.Y. 13346
Ph.:   315-228-7306
Fax:   315-228-7029